Pharmacy Manager Job at UnitedHealth Group, Louisville, KY 40202


Job Description

Opportunities with Genoa Healthcare. A career with Genoa Healthcare means you're part of a collaborative effort to serve behavioral health and addiction treatment communities. We do more than just provide medicine: we change lives for the better. People with serious mental or chronic illness - and those who care for them - have moving stories, and at Genoa we become their voice, their partner. Working as part of a coordinated care team, we partner with community-based providers and others to ensure that people with complex health conditions get the right medications and are able to follow their treatment plans. Our personalized services - in-clinic pharmacies, medication management and more - are leading the way to a new level of care.

Genoa is a pharmacy care services company that is part of Optum and UnitedHealth Group’s family of businesses. We are part of a leading information and technology-enabled health services business dedicated to making the health system work better for everyone. Take a closer look to learn why a career with Genoa Healthcare might be the path to discovering your life's best work.(sm)

The Pharmacy Manager is a key position that has a substantial impact with our consumers and clinic partners by partnering and advising both on our pharmaceutical care services and benefits. This individual is responsible for the financial, clinical and quality for pharmacy services and will oversee the daily operations of a pharmacy including dispensing prescription medication and spending one-on-one time with the consumers. Coaching, developing and managing pharmacy staff is also a key responsibility of this role. The manager will act as a talent steward and proactively seek top talent for the pharmacy roles.

Primary Responsibilities:

  • Creates a great consumer and clinic partner experience and continually builds strong relationships with both groups to proactively meet their needs
  • Serves as an expert to the clinical staff and proactively meets with their team on meeting their clinical outcomes
  • Counsels and educates patients on the usage of medications, adverse effects, schedules and any personal questions from the consumers
  • Ensures the pharmacy and team members follow policies and standards in accordance with state and federal laws
  • Performs wellness services such as immunizations, flu shots and other preventive services
  • Responsible for financial profitability and identifies opportunities to drive growth in the pharmacy
  • Motivates, develops and coaches all pharmacy staff to ensure they are meeting their potential and delivering exceptional service
  • Creates an engaging team environment which promotes compassion and models our core values and culture amongst the team
  • Proactively promotes opportunities and recruiting top talent at our pharmacies
  • Reviews key performance indicators with pharmacy staff and identifies trends and opportunities for improvement
  • Conducts workforce planning and business planning to have operational excellence at the site
  • Builds strong relationships with the community, stakeholders and clinic partners to ensure we are meeting all needs and promote the pharmacy business
  • Drives marketing plans ad materials to promote all pharmacy offerings

You’ll be rewarded and recognized for your performance in an environment that will challenge you and give you clear direction on what it takes to succeed in your role as well as provide development for other roles you may be interested in.

Required Qualifications:

  • B a c he l o r ’ s deg r e e i n P h a r m a cy o r P h a r m D
  • C u rr en t ph a r m a c i s t ’ s li c en se i n t h e s t a t e of Kentucky
  • Immunization Certification
  • Full COVID-19 vaccination is an essential job function of this role. Candidates located in states that mandate COVID-19 booster doses must also comply with those state requirements. UnitedHealth Group will adhere to all federal, state and local regulations as well as all client requirements and will obtain necessary proof of vaccination, and boosters when applicable, prior to employment to ensure compliance. Candidates must be able to perform all essential job functions with or without reasonable accommodation

P r e f e rr e d Q u a l i f i ca t i o n s:

  • 5+ y e a r s o f ph a r m a cy l e a de r s h i p e x pe r i en ce

M a n a g e m e n t S u cc e s s P r ac t i c es :

  • B e i n g c u s t o m e r ce n t r i c : T he se l e a de r s a r e f i nd i n g ou t w h a t t he i r c u s t o m e r s w a n t , t he n de s i g n p r o c e ss e s a n d p l a n t h e w o r k t o c r e a t e a be tt e r c u s t o m e r e x pe r i e n c e
  • D eve l op i n g O t h e r s : M a n a ge r s nee d t o m a ke s u r e t h a t t h e r i gh t t a l en t i s i n t h e r i gh t j ob , wi t h c a p a b ili t i es a li gne d t o t h e de m a nd s o f t h e w o r k. M a n a ge r s w h o s e t t h e c ond i t i on s f o r de v e l op m e n t a ct a s t a l en t s t e w a r d s. B y p r o v i d i n g ongo i n g c o a c h i n g a n d f eed ba ck a n d s uppo r t i n g m ob ili t y i n t o o t he r r o l e s o r de v e l op m e n t e x pe r i en c e s, t he y he l p e m p l o y e e s a c h i e ve f u l f illi n g r e s u l t s
  • C o mm un i ca t i n g e n t e r p r i s e pu r p o s e : T h i s i n c l u d e s c o mm un i c a t i n g v i s i on , v a l ue s, c u l t u r e , s t r a t eg y, ob j e c t i v e s a n d go a l s. T h e m a n a ge r a n d t h e t e a m t he n h a ve t o t r a n s l a t e t h e pu r po se i n t o t h e s pe c i f i c t a sks of t h e t e a m , so e v e r y on e k no w w he r e e v e r y t h i n g f i t s
  • C r ea t i n g h i g h p e r f o rm i n g t ea m s : C r e a t i n g a n d f o s t e r i n g h i gh - p e r f o r m i n g t e a m s i s e ss en t i a l . A n e f f e c t i ve t e a m h a s t a sk c l a r i t y a n d r i gh t a ss e m b l y o f t a l en t t o d o t h e j ob . T e a m m e m be r s h a ve a cc oun t a b ili t i e s a nd k no w w h a t t o do . T h e t e a m c u l t u r e i s c o l l a bo r a t i v e . M e a s u r e s a r e i n p l a ce t o m on i t o r p r og r e ss, i n c l u d i ng f eedb a ck l oop s t o a d d c o rr e c t i ve a d v i ce a n d c oun s e l
  • A ss u r i n g r es u l t s : M a n a ge r s m u st de li v e r t h r o ug h o t he r s. T h e y k ee p t he i r t e a m s o n t a sk, f o c u s i n g on s pe c i f i c go a l s a n d t a r ge t s. M a n a ge r s wil l e x e c u t e o n p l a n s w h il e l e v e r a g i n g i n t e r n a l a n d e x t e r n a l c u s t o m er a n d s t a k eho l de r f ee d b a ck t o m a ke a d j u s t m en t s
  • T ec hn i ca l a n d f u n c t i o n a l sk ill s : T he s e l e a de r s k no w t he i r i ndu s t r y , t e c hn i c a l p l a t f o rm , k e y f un c t i o n o f a l l r o l e s a n d i s a li f e - l on g l e a r ne r

To protect the health and safety of our workforce, patients and communities we serve, UnitedHealth Group and its affiliate companies require all employees to disclose COVID-19 vaccination status prior to beginning employment. In addition, some roles and locations require full COVID-19 vaccination, including boosters, as an essential job function. UnitedHealth Group adheres to all federal, state and local COVID-19 vaccination regulations as well as all client COVID-19 vaccination requirements and will obtain the necessary information from candidates prior to employment to ensure compliance. Candidates must be able to perform all essential job functions with or without reasonable accommodation. Failure to meet the vaccination requirement may result in rescission of an employment offer or termination of employment

Careers with Optum. Our objective is to make health care simpler and more effective for everyone. With our hands at work across all aspects of health, you can play a role in creating a healthier world, one insight, one connection and one person at a time. We bring together some of the greatest minds and ideas to take health care to its fullest potential, promoting health equity and accessibility. Work with diverse, engaged and high-performing teams to help solve important challenges.

At UnitedHealth Group, our mission is to help people live healthier lives and make the health system work better for everyone. We believe everyone-of every race, gender, sexuality, age, location and income-deserves the opportunity to live their healthiest life. Today, however, there are still far too many barriers to good health which are disproportionately experienced by people of color, historically marginalized groups and those with lower incomes. We are committed to mitigating our impact on the environment and enabling and delivering equitable care that addresses health disparities and improves health outcomes – an enterprise priority reflected in our mission.

Diversity creates a healthier atmosphere: UnitedHealth Group is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, protected veteran status, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by law.

UnitedHealth Group is a drug - free workplace. Candidates are required to pass a drug test before beginning employment.

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